Acoustic Analysis of Pathologies : From Infancy to Young Adulthood
Bedoya, Stefany, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (XVII, 220 p.)
Speech Technology and Text Mining in Medicine and Health Care , 7
Frontmatter -- Acknowledgments -- Computers hearing children's cries and pathologies - a foreword -- Contents -- List of contributors -- Editors' introduction -- 1. Understanding infant cry analysis for pathology classification -- 2. Unsupervised auditory filterbank learning for infant cry classification -- 3. Acoustic and prosodic analysis of vocalizations of 18-month-old toddlers with autism spectrum disorder -- 4. Computer-aided speech therapy for dysarthric speakers: Statistical acoustic modeling for automated verification of pronunciation accuracy -- 5. Communication improves when human or computer listeners adapt to dysarthria -- 6. Role of music on infant developments
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