The Life of Language : Papers in Linguistics in Honor of William Bright için kapak resmi
The Life of Language : Papers in Linguistics in Honor of William Bright
Anderton, Alice J., contributor.
Basım Bilgisi:
Reprint 2011
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (509 p.)
Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] , 108
I-IV -- Acknowledgments -- Foreword -- Contents -- Studies in language contact and language variation -- The revenge of Huitzilopochtli: A tale from Crónica X in Spanish and Nahuatl -- Spanish loanwords in Hopi -- Discursive convergence with a Tewa evidential -- Internal reconstruction in Aymara and Quechua -- Otomí loans and creations -- Sex differences in Irish Sign Language -- Language contact: A case study of French Americans in California and Oregon -- Yokuts and Miwok loanwords in Western Mono -- Wasei eigo: English "loanwords" coined in Japan -- A comparative study of English loanwords: Chicano Spanish and Mexican Spanish -- On reconstructing past contact situations -- Studies in language change, historical linguistics, and the history of linguistics -- Methodology for determining deep genetic relationship in Amerindian languages -- Linguistic contributions to Guatemalan prehistory -- Surveys of languages of the world -- The regression of sibilant harmony through the life of Barbarefio Chumash -- Studies in text and discourse -- Kaawosa plays a trick on a soldier: A Comanche coyote story -- Linguistic nuance and the secret music of the text -- Layers of meaning in a Wintu doctor song -- A Karok narrative dictated by Phoebe Maddux to J. P. Harrington -- Metaphor in Indian literature: Some thoughts on a taxonomy -- Mesa Grande 'Iipay oratory and narrative -- Cherokee stories of the supernatural -- Referent tracking in oral Spanish -- Transcreating culture and poetics -- Studies in language structure -- Indefinite pronouns in Kannada -- The Witsuwit'en disjunct morphemes: clitics or affixes? -- Phonetic studies of American Indian languages -- Objecthood and specificity in Gujarati -- The Garifuna gender system -- Connected speech in Hindi: Implications for sound change -- Incompatibilities among theories of Anglo-Saxon metrics -- Bibliography of the works of William Bright -- Biographical sketch of William Bright -- Index of languages
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