Faunal Ecology and Conservation of the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve için kapak resmi
Faunal Ecology and Conservation of the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve
Sivaperuman, Chandrakasan. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XVI, 666 p. 1 illus. online resource.
1. Great Nicobar Biospehere reserve: An Overview -- 2. Floral diversity of great nicobar biospehere reserve Andaman & Nicobar Islands, INDIA -- 3. Odonata of great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 4. Butterfly diversity of great nicobar biospehere reserve -- 5. Aquatic beetles of great nicobar biosphere reserve - (Coleoptera: Noteridae, Dytiscidae, and Hydrophildae) -- 6. Moths (Lepidoptera) of great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 7. Termite fauna of great nicobar biosphere reserve, India -- 8. Scorpionida and amblypygi diversity of great nicobar biosphere reseve -- 9. Diversity and species abundance of spiders of great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 10. Non-Marine Molluscs of great nicobar biosphere reserve, andaman and nicobar island, India -- 11. Reptiles of great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 12. Fresh water and estuarine fishes of great nicobar islands -- 13. Diversity and species abundance of bird commnuities in great nicobar biosphere reserve, India -- 14. Present status and distribution of nicobar megapode megapodius nicobariensis in nicobar islands -- 15. Mammalian fauna of great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 16. Status and distribution of long-tailed macaque fascicularis umbrosa miler, 1902 in great nicobar biosphere reserve, India -- 17. Conservation perspectives of dugongs and sea turtles in andaman and nicobar islands -- 18. Mesozooplankton diversity in the marine waters of great nicobar island, andaman and Nicobar Archipelago -- 19. Current status of diversity of marine microplankton from great nicobar island, andaman and nicobar archipelago -- 20. Marine sponges of great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 21. Great Nicobar Biosphere reserve - A Biological treasure trove for scleractinan corals -- 22.Hydrozoan diversity and distribution in great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 23. Diversity and distribution of octocorals (Octocorollia) in great nicobar biosphere reserve.-24. Status and distribution of sea anemone in great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 25. Polyclads of great nicobar biosphere reserve -- 26. Decapods (Crustacea: Decapoda) of great status of great Nicobar biosphere reserve -- 27. Current status of the marine polychaete (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Nicobar islands -- 28. Diversity and distribution of intertdial mollusca of great nicobar biosphere reserve. 29. Status and distribution of Opisthobranchs of Great nicobar isalnd, India -- 30. Diversity and distribution of echinoderms of great niocobar biosphere reserve, Andaman and Nicobar islands -- 31. Marine Icthyofaunal Diversity in great Nicobar Biosphere resere,- India. 32. Marine Mammals of the Nicobar group of Islands, India.
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