Grammar and Dialogism : Sequential, Syntactic, and Prosodic Patterns between Emergence and Sedimentation
Anward, Jan, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (368 p.)
Linguistik - Impulse & Tendenzen , 61
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction to "Grammar and dialogism: Sequential, syntactic and prosodic patterns between emergence and sedimentation" -- Section I: A dialogic perspective on communicative practices -- "Don't get me wrong": Recipient design by using negation to constrain an action's interpretation -- Dialogue and tradition: The open secret of language -- Section II: A dialogic perspective on clausal patterns -- Evidence for a Dialogical Grammar: Reactive constructions in Swedish and German -- Forms of responsivity: Grammatical formats for responding to two types of request in conversation -- Elliptical structures as dialogical resources for the management of understanding -- Section III: A dialogic perspective on subordinating constructions -- The dynamics of dass-constructions in everyday German interactions - a dialogical perspective -- Some observations on free and sentential relative clauses with "was" ('what') in German talk-in-interaction -- Fishing for affiliation. The French double causal construction 'parce que comme' from a dialogical linguistics perspective -- Section IV: A dialogic perspective on particles and adverbs -- This, That and the Other: Prospection, Retraction and Obviation in Dialogical Grammar -- Reconstructing the point of reference for stand-alone deswegen -- Dialogism and the emergence of final particles: The case of and -- Index