Syntactic Variation and Genre
Dorgeloh, Heidrun, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (364 p.) : Num. figs. and tabs.
Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] , 70
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction -- Part 1: Genre: Form, constitution, and change -- Genre as difference: The sociality of linguistic variation -- Variation across texts and discourses: Theoretical and methodological perspectives on text type and genre -- A new genre for a specialized community: The rise of the experimental essay -- Do some genres or text types become more complex than others? -- Mein Problem ist/mein Thema ist ('My problem is/my topic is'): How syntactic patterns and genres interact -- Thank you for thinking we could: Use and function of interpersonal pronouns in corporate web logs -- Part 2: Syntactic variation based on genre -- Grammatical constructions and communicative genres -- Genre effects in the replacement of reflexives by particles -- Clause linkage techniques as a symptom of discourse traditions: Methodological issues and evidence from Romance languages -- Syntactic constructions as a means of spatial representation in fictional prose -- Agreement in educated Jamaican English: A corpus-based study of spoken usage in ICE-Jamaica -- I know you guys hate forwards: Address pronouns in digital folklore -- Backmatter
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