Lemmata Linguistica Latina. Volume I, Words and Sounds
Arias Abellán, María Carmen, contributor.
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1 online resource (XIII, 455 p.)
Lemmata Linguistica Latina ; Volume I
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Words -- Lexicography and semantics -- Constitutus = καϑεστώς: un aspect du supplétisme du verbe « être » -- Exploring the semantic complexity of the voces mediae: magus, magicus, and magia -- La rivalidad entre praeses y praesidens -- Les emplois des « quantifieurs » quantus, quam multus, quot et de leurs corrélatifs en latin classique -- Tempus mutatur: analysing collocations of tempus 'time' with distributional semantic models -- Análisis y causas de la diversidad semántica y lexicológica del adjetivo uiridis -- Authorial error and the dictionary -- Les verbes de déplacement en latin : préverbation et arguments -- Word formation and etymology -- Auctor adjectif verbal dans la périphrase auctor sum 'conseiller' -- Secondary forms reanalysed as primary ones: the crētus-class in Latin -- Origen y significado de dēsīderāre: nostalgia y deseo desde Plauto -- Latin dubenus 'dominus': an attempt at etymology -- Fors and fortūna: linguistic and cultural aspects -- The world as a yawning gap. New insights into the etymology of Lat. mundus 'world' -- (When) inflection needs derivation: a word formation lexicon for Latin -- What's beyond 'inchoatives'? Derivation types on the basis of -sc- verbs -- Towards a morpho-syntactic analysis of -ī-scō and -ā-scō verbs -- Linguistic systems in contact -- Les mots latins d'origine grecque avec diffusion panromane: comment et pourquoi? -- Forms and functions of Greek words in Late Latin literary texts: a corpus-based approach -- Greek in Donatus' Terence commentaries -- Verb conjugation selection in macaronic Latin: a corpus-based analysis -- Ancient discourse on language -- Clausula: un terme technique de la métrique à la morphologie -- Linguistic terminology in Varro -- The typology of linguistic metaphor in first-century CE Roman thought -- Sounds -- The use of initial h- in the writing-tablets from Roman Britain -- The merger of /ō/ and /ŭ/: a computational take on the inscriptions of Gaul (330-730 CE) -- Patterns of prosodic distribution of Latin long vowels -- Index
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