New Perspectives on the Development of Communicative and Related Competence in Foreign Language Education
Aliponga, Jonathan, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (VIII, 387 p.)
Trends in Applied Linguistics [TAL] , 28
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- 1. New perspectives on the development of communicative and related competence in foreign language education: An introduction to the book -- Part I: Theoretical and pedagogical issues in the development of competence -- 2. Taking the critics to task: The case for task-based teaching -- 3. Developing self-regulated learning in the language classroom -- 4. Pragmatic competence in foreign language education: Cultivating learner autonomy and strategic learning of pragmatics -- 5. Teaching english to young learners in Japan: Teacher competence and classroom context -- 6. What competence is necessary to be able to work in Japan-related workplaces? A survey of Singaporean business persons -- Part II: Empirical research on the acquisition of competence -- 7. The effects of the first language on the description of motion events: Focusing on L2 Japanese learners of english and hungarian -- 8. Explicit instruction on English verb structures in L2 classrooms -- 9. Character knowledge and reading stages of Chinese as a foreign language -- 10. Developing communicative competence: The role of handover in scaffolding oral communication -- Part III: Practices in developing competence -- 11. Pragmatic development in the study abroad context: Impact of a cross-cultural pragmatic strategies intervention -- 12. Intercultural communication competence and possible L2 selves in a short-term study abroad program -- 13. Corpora as an L2 writing reference tool: Classroom practice and student response -- 14. Effects of digital storytelling on japanese Efl learners: Focus on anxiety and PBL skills -- 15. Evaluation of two communities of inquiry -- Index
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