Why English? : Confronting the Hydra
Boussebaa, Mehdi, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource
Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Contributors -- Series Editor's Foreword -- Introduction -- Part 1: Hydra at Large -- 1. The English Language in a Global Context: Between Expansion and Resistance -- 2. Promoting English: Hydras Old and New -- 3. English, Neocolonialism and Forgetting -- 4. The English Language as Naga in Indonesia -- 5. Offshore Call Centre Work is Breeding a New Colonialism -- Part 2: Hydra Mythology -- 6. Confronting Language Myths, Linguicism and Racism in English Language Teaching in Japan -- 7. Mr Jones: Mi Laik Askim Yu Samting -- 8. Must the (Western) Hydra Be Blond(e)? Performing Cultural 'Authenticity' in Intercultural Education -- 9. Voluntary Overseas English Language Teaching: A Myopic, Altruistic Hydra -- 10. English Language as 'Fatal Gadget' in Iceland -- 11. The English Hydra as Invader on the Post-Communist 'New Periphery' in Bulgaria -- 12. The English Alphabet: Alpha-Best or Alpha-Beast? -- 13. 'Languages' -- Part 3: Confronting the Hydra -- 14. Mauritian Kreol Confronts English and French Hydras -- 15. 'Hydra Languages' and Exclusion versus Local Languages and Community Participation in three African Countries -- 16. The Destruction of Nadia's Dream: The English Language Tyrant in Pakistan's Education System -- 17. The (Illusory) Promise of English in India -- Part 4: Resistance and Cohabitation with the Hydra -- 18. A Personal Reflection on Chican@ Language and Identity in the US-Mexico Borderlands: The English-Language Hydra as Past and Present Imperialism -- 19. The Struggle to Raise Bilingual Children in the Belly of the English Hydra Beast: The United States of America -- 20. TEFL and International Politics: A Personal Narrative -- 21. Hungary: A Sham Fightback Against the Domination of English -- 22. The English Language as a Trojan Horse within the People's Republic of China -- 23. TEFL as Hydra: Rescuing Brazilian Teacher Educators from 'Privilege' -- 24. 'Writing back (to the centre)' -- Afterword: Decentring the Hydra: Towards a more Equitable Linguistic Order
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