Grammatical Categories in Linguistics and Education
Alexandre, Nélia, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (VI, 300 p.)
Trends in Applied Linguistics [TAL] , 37
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction -- Section 1: Theorizing linguistic concepts -- (Reflexively) marked and unmarked anticausatives in grammars of German: A model for foreign/second language learners -- A Programme for L1 Norwegian grammar teaching on generative grounds -- Discourse grammar, discourse coherence, and discourse relations: Evidence from editing-based tasks for teaching English -- Section 2: Connecting linguistic research and language pedagogy -- "Translating" insights of theoretical linguistics into educational settings - with a special focus on resources for Hungarian as L1 -- On the use of (second) language acquisition research for grammar education - a language-acquisition-sensitive approach -- Section 3: The role of empirical data -- What can a corpus do for foreign language teaching? An activity proposal for Chinese learners of Portuguese -- Learning the perfective/imperfective aspectual alternation in L2 Italian through a Cognitive Grammar-inspired pedagogy: A quasi-experimental study -- Setting the base for an "acquisitionally informed pedagogy": The case of the French verbal system -- Section 4: Implementing linguistic categories into the foreign language learning classroom -- Visualizing English and Swabian tense semantics in the classroom -- Taking cognizance of variation and CLI effects in foreign language learning: The case of the English present perfect -- Teaching and learning the comparative in German: The role of semantic notions -- Conclusion -- Index
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