Linguistic Landscape in the City için kapak resmi
Linguistic Landscape in the City
Aiestaran, Jokin, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (384 p.)
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Contributors -- Introduction: An Approach to an 'Ordered Disorder' -- Part 1: Linguistic Landscape Multilingualisms -- 1. Linguistic Landscape and Language Vitality -- 2. Language and Inter-language in Urban Irish and Japanese Linguistic Landscapes -- 3. 'The Holy Ark in the Street': Sacred and Secular Painting of Utility Boxes in the Public Domain in a Small Israeli Town -- Part 2: Top-down, Power and Reactions -- 4. Decorating the City of Tel Aviv-Jaffa for its Centennial: Complementary Narratives via Linguistic Landscape -- 5. Bloemfontein/Mangaung, 'City on the Move'. Language Management and Transformation of a Non-representative Linguistic Landscape -- 6. Chinese on the Side: The Marginalization of Chinese in the Linguistic and Social Landscapes of Chinatown in Washington, DC -- 7. Linguistic Landscape under Strict State Language Policy: Reversing the Soviet Legacy in a Regional Centre in Latvia -- 8. Linguistic Landscape of Kyiv, Ukraine: A Diachronic Study -- Part 3: Benefits of Linguistic Landscape -- 9. Life in the Garden of Eden: The Naming and Imagery of Residential Hong Kong -- 10. Selling the City: Language, Ethnicity and Commodified Space -- 11. Showing Seeing in the Korean Linguistic Cityscape -- Part 4: Perceptions of Passers-by -- 12. Multilingual Cityscapes: Perceptions and Preferences of the Inhabitants of the City of Donostia-San Sebastia´n -- 13. Linguistic Landscape in Mixed Cities in Israel from the Perspective of 'Walkers': The Case of Arabic -- 14. Responses to the Linguistic Landscape in Memphis, Tennessee: An Urban Space in Transition -- Part 5: Multiculturalism in Linguistic Landscape -- 15. Linguistic Landscape and Language Diversity in Strasbourg: The 'Quartier Gare' -- 16. Marking France's Public Space: Empirical Surveys on Regional Heritage Languages in Two Provincial Cities -- 17. Linguistic Landscape as Multi-layered Representation: Suburban Asian Communities in the Valley of the Sun -- 18. Diaspora and Returning Diaspora: French-Hebrew and Vice-Versa -- Epilogue: The Theoretical Edge -- Index


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