Biomining Technologies Extracting and Recovering Metals from Ores and Wastes
Johnson, David Barrie. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XII, 314 p. 1 illus. online resource.
Chapter 1: Evolution and current status of mineral bioprocessing technologies -- Chapter 2: Design, Construction and Modelling of Bioheaps -- Chapter 3: Engineering Designs and Challenges of Stirred Tank Systems -- Chapter 4: Bioprocessing of Refractory Gold Ores: The BIOX, MesoTHERM and ASTER Processes -- Chapter 5: Biomining Microorganisms: Diversity and Modus Operandi -- Chapter 6: Biomolecular and Cultivation Tools -- Chapter 7: Microbial ecology of bioheaps, stirred tanks and mine wastes -- Chapter 8: Biomining in China: history and current status -- Chapter 9: Copper Bioleaching Operations in Chile: Towards New Challenges and Developments -- Chapter 10: Heap bioleaching of an enargite-dominant ore body: Minera Yanacocha, Péru -- Chapter 11: Bio-oxidation of gold ores in Russia and Kazakhstan -- Chapter 12: Biomining in Finland: Commercial Application of Heap and Tank Bioleaching Technologies for Nickel Recovery -- Chapter 13: Mineral Bioleaching in Brackish and Saline Environments -- Chapter 14: Metal Recovery from E-wastes -- Chapter 15:Reductive Mineral Bioprocessing -- Chapter 16: Biological Removal and Recovery of Metals from Waste Streams and Process Waters -- Chapter 17: The Future of Biomining: Towards Sustainability in a Metal-demanding World.
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