Project Management and Engineering Selected Papers from the 17th International AEIPRO Congress held in Logroño, Spain, in 2013
Ayuso Muñoz, José Luis. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed. 2015.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XVIII, 354 p. 157 illus., 136 illus. in color. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering,
Preface -- Acknowledgments -- I. PROJECT MANAGEMENT -- An international analysis of project delivery systems for public works projects, by De Sande I, Jiménez-del-Barco A, Martínez G, Moreno B, Alegre F.J -- Exploring the Relations between Project Duration and Activity Duration, by Acebes F, Pajares J, Galán JM, López-Paredes A -- Adoption of Project Management practices and performance. Non Govern-mental Organisations of Navarre - Spain, by Montes-Guerra M, De-Miguel A.R, Gimena F.N, Pérez-Ezcurdia A, Díez-Silva H.M -- Quick planning using "S" curves and cost based durations, by Valderrama F, Guadalupe R -- Engineering projects assessment using Earned Value Management with performance indexes evaluation and statistical methods, by Rubio J, Muñoz J.I, Otegi J.R -- Tool based on AHP and its application in the RURENER Local Actions Plan Evaluation, by Paneque A, Aragonés P, Martínez-Almela J -- II. CIVIL ENGINEERING, URBAN PLANNING, BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURE -- Comparative analysis of calculation of buildings drainage systems, by Arrué R, Romero A.M, Cárcel A.C -- Innovative modular building manufactured using structural black poplar plywood panels, by Alía-Martínez J, Fernández-Ceniceros J, Antoñanzas J, Fraile-García E, Urraca-Valle R -- III. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT -- Multicriteria decision making methodologies applied to the selection of best available techniques in the ceramic industry: equalitarian vs. prioritised weighting, by Ibáñez-Forés V, Aragonés P, Bovea MD -- LABWASTE.12: Calculation tool for the design of solid waste landfills with inert waste recovery, by Esteban J, Colomer F, Carlos M, Gallardo A -- Synergy as strategy for the energetic valorisation of waste focused in transport, by Álvarez J.V, Luiña R, Ortega F, Lobo P -- Design of an SRF from refuse from a municipal waste treatment plant, by Gallardo A, Gómez A.M, Colomer F.J, Edo N, Pascual P -- Localanalysis of the characteristics and frequency of extreme droughts in Málaga using the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index), by Ayuso J.L, Ayuso-Ruiz P, García A, Estévez J, Taguas E.V -- IV. ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY -- Decision Support System software integrating Geographic Information Systems and Soft Computing to solve optimal location problems of renewable energy plants, by Sánchez Lozano J.M, Jiménez-Pérez J.A, García-Cascales S, Lamata M.T -- Downscaling of solar irradiation from satellite estimates, by Antonanzas-Torres F, Antonanzas J, Martínez-de-Pisón F. J, Alía-Martínez M, Perpiñán-Lamigueiro O -- Self energy production by a floating photovoltaic system covers for irrigation reservoirs, by Redón-Santafé M, Ferrer-Gisbert C.M, Ferrán-González J, Torregrosa-Soler J.B, Sánchez-Romero F.J, Ferrer-Gisbert P.S, Pons-Puig E -- V. RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION PROJECTS -- Leadership development in rural development projects: a case study in an Aymara women organization in Puno (Peru), by Sastre S -- VI. PRODUCTION PROCESS ENGINEERING -- On-line Soft Sensor based on Regression Models and Feature Selection Techniques for Predicting Rubber Properties in Mixture Processes, by Sudope-Ortega E, Urraca-Valle R, Antonanzas J, Alia-Martinez M, Sanz-Garcia A, Martínez de Pisón FJ -- VII. PRODUCT ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN -- Segregation of a binary granular mixture in a feed shoe of a single punch press using DEM, by Martínez-Martínez L, Sainz-García E, Muro-Hernández J, Alba-Elías F, González-Marcos A -- VIII. IT AND COMMUNICATIONS. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING -- Use of Wireless Sensor Network to control landslides interacting with infra-structures, by Combarros Hernandez G, Garcia-Garijo A, Antonanzas-Torres F, Alonso-Garcia E, Fernandez-Martinez R -- Evaluation of clustering configurations for object retrieval using SIFT features, Fernández-Robles L, Castejón-Limas M, Alfonso-Cedón J, Alegre E -- A novelarchitecture for recognising symbols in a CAD environment, by Fernández-Pacheco D.G, Conesa J, Albert F, Cavas-Martínez F, Aleixos N -- Symbolic Computation applied to industrial robots through SAGE, by Nájera S, Elvira C, García-Verde L.F, Rico-Azagra J -- IX. TRAINING IN PROJECT ENGINEERING -- Critical learning in development projects and international cooperation, by Peris J, Boni A, Pellicer V, Fariñas S -- Competences in Project Management reachable before getting the engineering degree, by Guerrero D, Palma M, Vegas S, Quevedo V, La Rosa G.
Tüzel Kişi Ek Girişi:
Elektronik Erişim:
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12754-5Kopya: 1