Speaking Subjects in Multilingualism Research : Biographical and Speaker-centred Approaches için kapak resmi
Speaking Subjects in Multilingualism Research : Biographical and Speaker-centred Approaches
Anthonissen, Christine, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (328 p.)
Researching Multilingually ; 7
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Figures and Tables -- Contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Part 1: Introducing Speaking Subjects -- 1 Speaking Subjects in Multilingualism Research: Biographical and Speaker-centred Approaches -- 2 And the Subject Speaks to You: Biographical Narratives as Memories and Stories of the Narratable Self -- 3 Discourse and the Agency of the Subject in Autobiographical Narratives -- 4 Ethnography as a Speaker-centred Approach? Methodological Reflections -- Part 2: Empirical Insights -- Language Portraits as a Starting Ground -- 5 Profiles of Multilingualism: An Analysis of Language Biographies and Linguistic Repertoires of University Students -- 6 Experiencing Multimodal Languaging: The Use of Language Portraits with Deaf and Hearing Multilingual Signers -- 7 Linguistic Biographies and Language Portraits as Tools for Developing Shared Understandings of Multilingualism with an Indigenous Australian Community -- Linguistic Repertoires and Language Learning in Time and Space -- 8 Children's Use of Their Full Linguistic Repertoire to Establish a Social and Linguistic Third Space for Learning: A Case Study of the Stars of Today Literacy Club -- 9 Belonging: The Interplay of Linguistic Repertoires, Bodies and Space in an Educational Context -- 10 Learning about Multilingual Language Learning Experiences through Language Trajectory Grids -- 11 Using Media Diaries to Study Multilingual Media Repertoires: A Pilot Study with Language Learners in a Rural Community Education Setting -- 12 A Past of Flesh and Blood: Chronotopic Agency and Embodiment in Biographic Narrative -- 13 Freedom is Suffering for a Caged Bird: Biographical Approaches and Psychotraumatology -- 14 Speaking about the Unspeakable: Interpreter-mediated Psychotherapy for Survivors of War and Torture -- Part 3: Unsettling and Extending Biographical Research and Speaker-centred Approaches -- 15 Ilwiimi Zisulungekile: Reflections on Language, Meaning and Communication -- 16 Ideologies of Communication: The Social Link between Actors, Signs and Practices -- 17 Language Issues? On Collecting Language Biographies without Focusing on Language -- 18 A Few Remarks on Working with Auto-Socio-Bio-Ethnography -- Index


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