New Challenges in Typology : Transcending the Borders and Refining the Distinctions
Arkadiev, Peter, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (428 p.)
Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] , 217
Frontmatter -- Contents -- List of Contributors -- Introduction -- Part I. Word and phrase structure -- Patterns of clitic placement: Evidence from 'mixed' clitic systems -- Eton tonology and morphosyntax: A holistic typological approach -- Part II. Case, agreement, and localization -- A hierarchical indexation system: The example of Emerillon (Teko) -- Where differential object marking and split plurality intersect: Evidence from Hup -- Syncretisms and neutralizations involving morphological case: Challenges for markedness theory -- Towards a typology of 'attachment' markers: Evidence from East Caucasian languages -- Part III. Tense, aspect, and desire -- Revisiting perfect pathways: Trends in the grammaticalization of periphrastic pasts -- Individual-level meanings in the semantic domain of pluractionality -- The symbiosis of descriptive linguistics and typology: A case study of desideratives -- Part IV. Clause structure and verbal derivation -- Comitative as a cross-linguistically valid category -- Towards a typology of labile verbs: Lability vs. derivation -- Towards the typology of raising: A functional approach -- Historical pathways in Northern Paiute verb formation -- Part V. Class struggle: Erasing borderlines -- Reference and predication in Movima -- All typologies leak: Predicates of change in Lowland Chontal of Oaxaca -- Multidimensional typology and Miraña class markers -- Part VI. New challenges in methodology -- Steps toward a grammar embedded in data -- Backmatter
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