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Yayın Yılı: 2017
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809
Albeniz, Isaac, 1860-1909.
Bosna, Nazmi, 1946-
Cipriani, Alessandro, 1959-
Giri, Maurizio.
Joseph Haydn-Institut, editor.
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828.
Abdülkadir Merâgi, 1360?-1435?
Adam, de La Halle, approximately 1235-approximately 1288. Jeu de Robin et Marion. Robins m'aime.
Adams, John, 1947- Phrygian gates. Selections.
Aksoy, Bülent, translator.
Aktulum, Kubilay.
Alfonso X, King of Castile and Leon, 1221-1284. Cantigas de Santa María. Non sofre Santa Maria.
Alfonso, Nicolas.
Araujo, Juan de, 1646-1712. Coflades de la estleya.
Arcadelt, Jacob, approximately 1505-1568. Madrigals, voices (4), book 1. Bianco e dolce cigno.
Arslan, Fazlı
Auguis, P. R. (Pierre Rene)
Babbitt, Milton, 1916-2011. Philomel. Selections.
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788. Sonatas, keyboard instrument, H. 186, A major. Poco adagio.
Bach, Johann Christian, 1735-1782. Concertos, harpsichord, string orchestra, W. C 55-60. No. 5. Allegro di molto.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Cantata), BWV 62. Selections.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Orgelbüchlein. Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Präludium und Fuge, organ, BWV 543, A minor.
Baldwin, Lillian.
Bali Müşavirlik Mümessillik Yayınları
Barber, Barbara.
Barber, Samuel, 1910-1981. Hermit songs. Monk and his cat.
Bardakçı, Murat
Bartok, Bela, 1881-1945.
Bartók, Béla, 1881-1945. Music, celesta, percussion, string orchestra. Adagio.
Bastien, James
Bastien, Jane Smisor
Baumol, William J.
Beach, H. H. A., Mrs., 1867-1944. Quintet, piano, strings, op. 67, F♯ minor. Allegro agitato.
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Quartets, strings, no. 14, op. 131, C♯ minor. Adagio ma non troppo e molto espressivo.
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Quartets, strings, no. 14, op. 131, C♯ minor. Allegro molto vivace.
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Sonatas, piano, no. 8, op. 13, C minor. Rondo.
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Symphonies, no. 3, op. 55, E♭ major. Allegro con brio.
Beethoven-Archiv (Bonn, Germany)
Bengi, Derya, 1966- author.
Bennett, Roy.
Berdibek, Muhammed.
Berg, Alban, 1885-1935. Wozzeck. Selections.
Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Symphonie fantastique. Songe d'une nuit de sabbat.
Bernart, de Ventadorn, active 12th century. Can vei la lauzeta.
Bianchi, Louise 1914-
Billings, William, 1746-1800. Continental harmony. Creation.
Binchois, Gilles, approximately 1400-1460. De plus en plus se renouvelle.
Bishop, Henry R. (Henry Rowley), 1786-1855. Clari. Home, sweet home.
Bizet, Georges, 1838-1875. Carmen. Près des remparts de Séville.
Blickenstaff, Marvin.
Bourgeois, Louis, active 16th century. Pseaulme 134.
Bowen, William G., ort. yaz.
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Symphonies, no. 4, op. 98, E minor. Allegro energico e passionato.
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. Peter Grimes. To hell with all your mercy!
Broughton, Simon.
Burchenal, Elizabeth, 1877-1959
Burchenal, Emma Howells.
Buxtehude, Dietrich, 1637-1707. Preludes, organ, BuxWV 141, E major.
Byrd, William, 1539 or 1540-1623. Pavana Lachrymae.
Byrd, William, 1539 or 1540-1623. Sing joyfully unto God our strength.
Caccini, Giulio, 1551-1618. Nuove musiche. Vedrò 'l mio sol.
Cage, John. Music of changes, Book 1.
Cara, Marchetto. Io non compro più speranza.
Carissimi, Giacomo, 1605-1674. Jephte. Plorate colles.
Carissimi, Giacomo, 1605-1674. Jephte. Plorate, filii Israel.
Cesti, Antonio, 1623-1669. Orontea. E che si fa?
Cesti, Antonio, 1623-1669. Orontea. Intorno all'idol mio.
Chopin, Frédéric, 1810-1849. Mazurkas, piano, op. 7. No. 1.
Chopin, Frédéric, 1810-1849. Nocturnes, piano, op. 27. No. 2.
Churgin, Bathia.
Ciconia, Johannes, approximately 1335-1411. Sus un' fontayne.
Clark, Duncan (Duncan Antony)
Clendinning, Jane Piper.
Combarieu, Jules , 1859-1916
Copland, Aaron, 1900-1990. Appalachian spring.
Corelli, Arcangelo, 1653-1713. Trio sonatas, violins, continuo, op. 3. No. 2.
Couperin, François, 1668-1733. Pièces de clavecin, 4e livre. No 25. Muse victorieuse.
Couperin, François, 1668-1733. Pièces de clavecin, 4e livre. No 25. Visionaire.
Coward, Noel, 1899-1973.
Crumb, George. Black angels. Danse macabre.
Crumb, George. Black angels. Devil-music.
D'Auberge, Alfred, 1901-
Dahlhaus, Carl, 1928-1989
Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918. Nocturnes, orchestra. Nuages.
Dessoir, Susanne.
Dia, comtessa de, active 12th century-13th century. A chantar m'er de so qu'en no volria.
Dikel, Nahide, book designer.
Dowland, John, 1563?-1626.
Dowland, John, 1563?-1626. Songs or ayres, 2nd book. Flow my teares.
Dufay, Guillaume, -1474. Conditor alme siderum.
Dufay, Guillaume, -1474. Missa Se la face ay pale.
Dufay, Guillaume, -1474. Resvelliés vous et faites chiere lye.
Dufay, Guillaume, -1474. Se la face ay pale (Chanson)
Dumesnil, Rene, 1879-1967.
Dunstable, John, approximately 1390-1453. Quam pulcra es.
Dökmetaş, Kubilay.
Ellingham, Mark.
Ellington, Duke, 1899-1974. Cotton tail.
Encina, Juan del, 1468-1529? Oy comamos y bebamos.
Euripides, v480-v407 Orestes. Selections.
Feder, Georg
Feder, Georg editor.
Ferris, Sharon Paugh
Fidan, Süleyman
Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Jeanie with the light brown hair.
Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 1583-1643. Fiori musicali. Selections.
Frith, Simon, ed.
Fırat, Ertuğrul Oğuz.
Gay, John, 1685-1732. Beggar's opera. My heart was so free.
Gay, John, 1685-1732. Beggar's opera. Were I laid on Greenland's coast.
Gazimihal, Mahmut Ragıp.
Gedik, Ali C.
Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Girl crazy. I got rhythm.
Gesualdo, Carlo, principe di Venosa, approximately 1560-1613. Madrigals, voices (5), book 6. Io parto, e non più dissi.
Gherardello, da Firenze, -1362 or 1363. Tosto che l'alba.
Gillespie, Dizzy, 1917-1993. Anthropology.
Gleason, Harold, 1892-1980
Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von, 1714-1787. Orfeo ed Euridice. Atto 2o. Selections.
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau, 1829-1869. Souvenir de Porto Rico.
Grandi, Alessandro, -1630. O quam tu pulchra es, voice, continuo.
Grout, Donald Jay, 1902-1987 History of western music.
Gubaidulina, Sofia, 1931- Freue dich! Selections.
Guillaume, de Machaut, approximately 1300-1377. Messe de Nostre Dame. Kyrie.
Guillaume, de Machaut, approximately 1300-1377. Rose, liz.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Giulio Cesare. Eseguisti.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Giulio Cesare. V'adoro, pupille.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Saul. O fatal consequence of rage.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Saul. Time at length is come.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Saul. Where is the sone of Jesse?
Hasse, Johann Adolf, 1699-1783. Cleofide. Digli ch'io son fedele.
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809. Quartets, strings, H. III, 38, E♭ major. Presto.
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809. Symphonies, H. I, 92, G major. Selections.
Herbert, Victor
Hildegard, Saint, 1098-1179. Ordo virtutum. In principio omnes.
Hindemith, Paul , 1895-1963
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963.
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. Chansons, mixed voices. Cygne.
Hinze-Reinhold, Bruno, 1877-1964
Husa, Karel, 1921- Music for Prague 1968. Selections.
Isaac, Heinrich, approximately 1450-1517. Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen.
Ives, Charles, 1874-1954. General William Booth enters into heaven.
Jacopo, da Bologna, active 14th century. Fenice fu' e vissi.
Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth-Claude, 1665-1729. Pièces de clavecin (1687). Selections.
Joplin, Scott, 1868-1917. Maple leaf rag.
Josquin, des Prez, -1521. Ave Maria (Virgo serena)
Josquin, des Prez, -1521. Mille regretz.
Josquin, des Prez, -1521. Missa Pange lingua. Credo.
Josquin, des Prez, -1521. Missa Pange lingua. Kyrie.
Kahn, Marvin W.
Koch, Hans Michael
Koray, Fuad.
Koç, Ferdi.
Kösemihal, Mahmut Ragıp, 1900-1964
Labrousse, Marguerite.
Landini, Francesco, approximately 1325-1397. Non avrà mai pietà.
Landon, H.C. Robbins.
Larsen, Jens Peter.
Lasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Moduli, voices (4-10). Tristis est anima mea.
Le Jeune, Claude, -1600. Printemps. Revecy venir du printans.
Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886.
Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886. Études de concert (1848). No 3.
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 1632-1687. Armide. Enfin il est en ma puissance.
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 1632-1687. Armide. Ouverture.
Lusk, Jon.
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Feste Burg ist unser Gott.
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland.
Léonin, active 12th century. Viderunt omnes.
Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911. Kindertotenlieder. Nun will die Sonn' so hell aufgeh'n.
Marco, Guy A 1927-
Marenzio, Luca, 1553-1599. Madrigals, voices (5), book 9. Solo e pensoso i più deserti campi.
Marvin, Elizabeth West, 1955-
McConathy, Osbourne, 1875-1947
Mendel, Arthur, 1905-1979.
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Concertos, violin, orchestra, op. 64, E minor. Allegro molto vivace.
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Elias. And then shall your light break forth.
Meriç, Murat, 1972-
Messiaen, Olivier, 1908-1992. Quatuor pour la fin du temps. Liturgie de cristal.
Mies, Paul, 1889-1976.
Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643. Incoronazione di Poppea. Selections.
Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643. Madrigals, book 5. Cruda Amarilli.
Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643. Orfeo. Ahi, caso acerbo.
Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643. Orfeo. Mira, deh mira, Orfeo.
Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643. Orfeo. Tu se' morta.
Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643. Orfeo. Vi ricorda o boschi ombrosi.
Moreno-Torroba, Federico, 1891-1982
Morley, Thomas, 1557-1603? Balletts. My bonny lasse shee smyleth.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Concertos, piano, orchestra, K. 488, A major. Allegro.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Don Giovanni. Selections.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Sonatas, piano, K. 332, F major. Allegro.
Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich, 1839-1881. Boris Godunov (Rimsky-Korsakov). Uzh kak na nebe solnt͡su krasnomu slava, slava!
Narváez, Luis de, active 16th century. Delphín de música. Cancion Mille regres.
Narváez, Luis de, active 16th century. Delphín de música. Guardame las vacas.
Oakley, Giles.
Ockeghem, Johannes, approximately 1410-1497. Missa De plus en plus. Agnus Dei.
Oliver, King, 1885-1938. West end blues.
Olson, Lynn Freeman, 1938-1987
Onyebadi, Uche, editor.
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No linguistic content
Multiple languages
Turkish, Ottoman
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Music -- Periodicals
Müzik -- Süreli yayınlar
Guitar music.
Music -- Periodicals.
Guitar music, Arranged.
Music -- History and criticism.
Music theory -- Elementary works.
Piano music.
Popular music -- Turkey -- History and criticism.
Sonatas (Piano)
Sonatlar (Piyano)
Composition (Music)
Computer composition.
Computer music -- Instruction and study.
Folk music -- Turkey.
Gitar -- Çalışmalar ve egzersizler.
Guitar -- Instruction and study.
Music -- Turkey -- History and criticism.
Music appreciation.
Müzik -- Süreli yayınlar.
Müzik -- Tarihçe ve eleştirme.
Müzik -- Türkiye -- Tarihçe ve eleştiri.
Müzik kuramı -- İlkokul çalışmaları.
Abdülkadir Merâgi, 1360?-1435? Nekāvetü'l-Edvâr.
Alto (Instrument de musique) -- Périodiques.
Arabesk (Turkish popular music) -- History and criticism.
Arabesk (Türk popüler müziği) -- Tarih ve eleştiri.
Art -- Turkey -- History.
Ayla, Safiye, 1907-1998.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Suites, orchestra, BWV 1068, D major. Air.
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Symphonies, no. 3, op. 55, E♭ major. Marcia funebre.
Beste (Müzik)
Blues (Music) -- History and criticism.
Blues (Müzik) -- Tarihçe ve eleştirme.
Bowed stringed instruments -- Periodicals.
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Sonatas, violin, piano, no. 3, op. 108, D minor. Poco presto e con sentimento.
Canons, fugues, etc. (Harpsichord)
Children's songs.
Church music -- Pennsylvania.
Contrebasse -- Périodiques.
Country-dances (Music).
Dimitrie Cantemir, Voivode of Moldavia, 1673-1723.
Ear training.
English drama.
Enstrümental müzik -- Turkey.
Folk Music -- Turkey -- History and criticism.
Folk dancing -- United States.
Folk music -- Europe -- History and criticism.
Folk music -- Turkey -- History and criticism.
Folk music -- Turkish.
Folk songs, Turkish -- Turkey.
Gitar için, düzenlenmiş.
Gitar için,düzenlenmiş.
Gitar, Düzenlemeler.
Halk dansları.
Halk müziği -- Avrupa -- Tarihçe ve eleştiri.
Halk müziği -- Türkiye
Halk müziği -- Türkiye -- Tarih ve eleştiri.
Halk müziği -- Türkiye -- Tarihçe ve eleştiri.
Halk müziği -- Türkiye.
Halk şarkıları, Türk -- Türkiye.
Harpsichord music.
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809. Symphonies, H. I, 94, G major. Adagio cantabile.
High-fidelity sound systems -- Periodicals.
Instrumental music -- Türkiye.
Instruments à archet -- Périodiques.
Kadın şarkıcılar -- Türkiye -- Biyografi.
Kanonlar, Fügler, vb.(Harpiskord)
Keman ve piyano -- Partisyonlar ve partiler.
Keyboard harmony.
Kilise müziği -- Pensilvanya.
Mechancial musical instruments -- Periodicals.
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Trios, piano, violin, cello, no. 1, op. 49, D minor. Andante con moto tranquillo.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Symphonies, K. 550, G minor. Molto allegro.
Music -- Bibliography.
Music -- Dictionaries.
Music -- Discography -- Bibliography.
Music -- Europe -- History and criticism.
Music -- History and criticism -- Bibliography.
Music -- History and criticism -- Indexes.
Music -- History and criticism -- Outlines, syllabi, etc.
Music -- Instruction and study -- Juvenile.
Music -- Instruction and study -- Young.
Music -- Instruction and study.
Music -- Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.)
Music -- Manuscripts -- Facsimiles.
Music -- Pennsylvania.
Music -- Performance -- History.
Music -- Philosophy and aesthetics.
Music -- Political aspects.
Music -- Theory, etc.
Music -- Turkey -- History and criticism.
Music -- Turkey -- 20th century -- History and criticism.
Music -- Turkey -- Western influences.
Music -- Turkey.
Music and Literature.
Music appreciation -- Music collections.
Music box history -- Periodicals.
Music scores.
Music theory -- History.
Music theory -- Turkey -- Early works to 1500.
Musical analysis -- Music collections.
Musical analysis.
Musical intervals and scales.
Müzik -- Bibliyografya.
Müzik -- Diskografi -- Bibliyografya.
Müzik -- Etüd ve eğitim.
Müzik -- Pensilvanya.
Müzik -- Performans -- Tarihçe.
Müzik -- Siyasal yönleri.
Müzik -- Sözlükler.
Müzik -- Süreli Yayınlar
Müzik -- Tarihçe ve eleştiri -- Anahatlar, özetler, vb.
Müzik -- Tarihçe ve eleştiri -- Bibliyografya.
Müzik -- Tarihçe ve eleştiri -- İndeksler.
Müzik -- Tarihçe ve eleştiri.
Müzik -- Türkiye -- 20. yüzyıl -- Tarih ve eleştiri.
Müzik -- Türkiye -- Tarih ve eleştiri.
Müzik -- Türkiye.
Müzik -- Yazmalar -- Tıpkıbasımlar.
Müzik -- Yorumlama (cümleleme, dinamikler, vb.)
Müzik -- açıklamalı etüd -- Gençlik.
Müzik -- açıklamalı etüdxgençlik.
Müzik değerlendirmesi.
Müzik kuramı -- Türkiye -- 1500'e kadar ilk çalışmalar.
Müzik notaları.
Müzik ve Edebiyat.
Müzikal aralıklar ve gamlar.
Okul müziği -- Etüd ve eğitim.
Okul müziği -- Eğitim ve öğretim -- Türkiye.
Org müziği.
Organ music.
Osmanlı Klasik Müziği.
Ottoman classical music.
Performing arts -- United States -- Finance.
Piano -- Methods -- Juvenile.
Piano -- Methods.
Piano music -- History and criticism.
Piano music -- Juvenile.
Piano music -- Scores.
Piano music, Arranged -- Juvenile.
Piano music, Arranged.
Piyano -- Gençlik.
Piyano -- Metodlar -- Gençlik.
Piyano -- Metodlar.
Piyano -- Partisyonlar.
Piyano -- Tarihçe ve eleştirme.
Piyano için, (Düzenlenmiş) -- gençlik.
Piyano, Düzenlenmiş.
Popular culture -- Turkey.
Popular music -- Europe -- History and criticism.
Popular music -- Political aspects -- Turkey.
Popüler müzik -- Avrupa -- Tarihçe ve eleştiri.
Popüler müzik -- Türkiye -- Tarih ve eleştiri.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778.
Sanat -- Türkiye -- Tarihi.
Schenkerian analysis.
School music -- Instruction and study -- Turkey.
School music -- Instruction and study.
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Nacht und Träume.
Singers -- Biography.
Singers -- Turkey -- Biography.
Solo cantatas, Secular -- Excerpts -- Vocal scores with piano.
Solo cantatas, Secular -- Vocal scores with piano.
Songs with piano.
Songs, Turkish
Turkey -- Civilization.
Turkey -- Social life and customs -- 20th century.
Turkey -- Songs and music.
Turkey -- Şarkılar ve müzik.
Türkiye -- Sosyal yaşam ve gelenekler -- 20. yüzyıl.
Türkiye -- Uygarlık.
Viola and piano music -- Scores and parts.
Viola and piano music, Arranged -- Scores and parts.
Viola music -- Teaching pieces.
Violin and piano music -- Scores and parts.
Violon -- Périodiques.
Violoncelle -- Périodiques.
Volkslied: Europa: Noten: Bearbeitung Singst Kl
Women singers -- Turkey -- Biography.
World music -- Bio-bibliography.
World music -- Discography.
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Safiye : Safiye Aylâ ve Türk musikisi'nin Cumhuriyet dönemi serüveni
Safiye : Safiye Aylâ ve Türk musikisi'nin Cumhuriyet dönemi serüveni
Bardakçı, Murat
Yer Numarası
ML420.A94 B37 2017
Beytepe Kütüphanesi~1
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