Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2015 12th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2015, Jeju, South Korea, October 15-18, 2015, Proceedings
Hu, Xiaolin. editor.
1st ed. 2015.
Physical Description:
XVI, 510 p. 203 illus. online resource.
Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 9377
Intelligent Control -- A Novel T-S Fuzzy Model Based Adaptive Synchronization Control Scheme for Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems with Uncertainties and Time-Delay -- Finite-Time Control for Markov Jump Systems with Partly Known Transition Probabilities and Time-Varying Polytopic Uncertainties -- Hybrid Function Projective Synchronization of Unknown Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Time Delays and Noise Perturbation -- Neural Dynamic Surface Control for Three-Phase PWM Voltage Source Rectifier -- A Terminal-Sliding-Mode-Based Frequency Regulation -- A New Discrete-Time Iterative Adaptive Dynamic Programming Algorithm Based on Q-Learning -- Adaptive Neural Network Control for a Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems -- Event-Triggered H1 Control for Continuous-Time Nonlinear System -- Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Parameterized Unknown Dynamics -- H-infinity Control Synthesis for Linear Parabolic PDE Systems with Model-Free Policy Iteration -- ExponentialSynchronization of Complex Delayed Dynamical Networks with Uncertain Parameters via Intermittent Control -- Inverse-Free Scheme of G1 Type to Velocity-Level Inverse Kinematics of Redundant Robot Manipulators -- Design of Fuzzy-Neural-Network-Inherited Backstepping Control for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle -- Neurodynamics Analysis -- A New Sampled-Data State Estimator for Neural Networks of Neutral-Type with Time-Varying Delays -- Exponential Lag Synchronization for Delayed Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Discontinuous Activations -- Mean Square Exponential Stability of Stochastic Delayed Static Neural Networks With Markovian Switching -- Robust Multistability and Multiperiodicity of Neural Networks with Time Delays -- A Novel Four-Dimensional Memristive Hyperchaotic System with Its Analog Circuit Implementation -- Memristor Crossbar Array for Image Storing -- Lagrange Stability for Memristor-Based Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay via Matrix Measure -- Multistability of Memristive Neural Networks with Non-monotonic Piecewise Linear Activation Functions -- Global Exponential Anti-synchronization of Coupled Memristive Chaotic Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays -- Computer Vision -- Representative Video Action Discovery Using Interactive Non-negative Matrix Factorization -- Image Retrieval Based on Texture Direction Feature and Online Feature Selection -- Interlinked Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Parsing -- Image Tag Completion by Local Learning -- Haarlike Feature Revisited: Fast Human Detection Based on Multiple Channel Maps -- Wood Surface Quality Detection and Classification Using Gray Level and Texture Features -- Aerial Scene Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks -- Signal Processing -- A New Method for Image Quantization Based on Adaptive Region Related Heterogeneous PCNN -- Noisy Image Fusion Based on a Neural Network with Linearly Constrained Least Square Optimization -- A Singing Voice/Music Separation Method Based on Non-negative Tensor Factorization and Repeat Pattern Extraction -- Automatic Extraction of Cervical Vertebrae from Ultrasonography with Fuzzy ART Clustering -- Fast Basis Searching Method of Adaptive Fourier Decomposition Based on Nelder-Mead Algorithm for ECG Signals -- Frequency Recognition Based on Wavelet-Independent Component Analysis for SSVEP-Based BCIs -- Machine Learning -- An MCMC Based EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Gaussian Processes -- Automatic Model Selection of the Mixtures of Gaussian Processes for Regression -- An Effective Model Selection Criterion for Mixtures of Gaussian Processes -- Orthogonal Basis Extreme Learning Algorithm and Function Approximation -- Large Scale Text Clustering Method Study Based on MapReduce -- Representing Data by Sparse Combination of Contextual Data Points for Classification -- A Novel K-Means Evolving Spiking Neural Network Model for Clustering Problems -- Prediction of Individual Fish Trajectory from Its Neighbors' Movement by a Recurrent Neural Network -- Short-term Wind Speed Forecasting Using A Multi-model Ensemble -- Optimization -- Power Control Optimization Method for Transmitted Signals in OFDM Communication Systems -- A Neurodynamic Optimization Approach to Bilevel Linear Programming -- A Nonlinear Neural Network's Stability Analysis and Its kWTA Application -- Continuous-Time Multi-agent Network for Distributed Least Absolute Deviation -- A Fully Complex-Valued Neural Network for Rapid Solution of Complex-Valued Systems of Linear Equations -- Novel Approaches and Applications -- Sparse Representation via Intracellular and Extracellular Mechanisms -- Load Balancing Algorithm Based on Neural Network in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks -- Real-time Multi-Application Network Traffic Identification Based on Machine Learning -- A New Virus-Antivirus Spreading Model -- Exploring Feature Extraction and ELM in Malware Detection for Android Devices -- Data-Driven Optimization of SIRMs Connected Neural-Fuzzy System with Application to Cooling and Heating Loads Prediction.
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