Intestinal Failure için kapak resmi
Intestinal Failure
Nightingale, Jeremy M.D. editor.
Basım Bilgisi:
2nd ed. 2023.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XXVI, 971 p. 272 illus., 176 illus. in color. online resource.
FM - Introduction Definition, classification and severity of intestinal failure.-PART I: Background.-1 Historical aspects of intestinal failure -- 2 Normal intestinal anatomy and physiology.-PART II. Acute (Reversible) Intestinal Failure -- 3 Postoperative Ileus -- 4 Acute surgical intestinal failure. Sepsis and enterocutaneous fistula(s) -- 5 Mesenteric Ischemia -- 6 Crohn's Disease -- 7 Peritoneal adhesions and encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis -- 8 Care of Intestinal Stoma and Enterocutaneous Fistula(s).-9 Bone Marrow and Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) -- 10 Non-surgical cancer treatments.-11 Bacterial Overgrowth and Enteric Infections -- 12 Acute reversible intestinal failure - Extensive mucosal disease - coeliac disease and eosinophilic enteritis -- 13 Home parenteral support for patients with incurable advance cancer -- 14 Intestinal failure in critical care -- 15 Eating Disorders in Adults -- 16 Intestinal failure in children - a paediatric surgical perspective.-17 Radiology in intestinal failure.-Part III Chronic IF.-18 Intestinal failure in childhood -- 19 Chronic Small Bowel Dysfunction.-20 Pelvic Radiation Disease & the GI tract -- 21 Problems after Gastric Surgery -- 22 Surgery for obesity and its consequences -- Part IV Consequences of IF 23 Physiology and problems of a short bowel -- 24 Consequences of Undernutrition and Dehydration.-25 Refeeding Problems/Syndrome.-26 Intestinal Failure Associated Liver Disease.-27 Acid-base disturbances in intestinal failure -- 28 Gallstones in Intestinal Failure.-29 Nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis -- 30 Bone and joint disease -- 31 Intestinal adaptation.-Part V Treatment of IF -- 32 Assessment of nutritional and fluid status.-33 Insertion, types and care ofenteral feeding tubes -- 34 Access for parenteral nutrition -- 35 Nursing care of patients receiving home parenteral support -- 36 Designing Parenteral and Enteral Regimens -- 37 Formulation and administration of enteral feeds -- 38 Formulation of Parenteral Nutrition Regimens.-39 Psychological Aspects of Intestinal Failure -- 40 40 Management of a high output stoma, jejunotomy or uncomplicated enterocutaneous fistula -- 41 Dietary Treatment of Patients with a Short Bowel -- 42 Pro-adaptive hormones in the rehabilitation of adult SBS patients -- 43 Drug absorption in short bowel -- 44 Distal Feeding and Hydration -- 45 Chronic Abdominal Pain -- Part VI Outcome of IF -- 46 Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) in Adults. Indications and outcomes -- 47 Outcome of Intestinal Failure: Home Parenteral Nutrition for Adults -- 48 Home enteral and parenteral nutrition for children -- 49 Quality of life in people receiving home parenteral support due to chronic intestinal failure -- 50 The Patient Requirements.51 Nutritional support services -- 52 Monitoring of parenteral nutrition at home -- 53 Ethical and legal aspects of nutritional support -- Part VII Problems of treatment -- 54 Problems of Enteral Nutrition -- 55 Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Catheter-related blood stream infections -- 56 Central vein thrombosis -- Part VIII Surgical treatment of Chronic IF.-57 Surgery for patients with a short bowel and tissue engineering -- 58 Intestinal Transplantation -- 59 Abdominal Wall Repair in Intestinal Failure -- Part IX Pancreatitis -- 60 Intestinal dysfunction and failure in acute pancreatitis: cause, effect, prevention and treatment -- 61 Medical, nutritional and surgical management of chronic pancreatitis.
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