Effects of the Second Language on the First
Balcom, Patricia, contributor.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource
Second Language Acquisition
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Contributors -- Chapter 1. Introduction: The Changing L1 in the L2 User's Mind -- Chapter 2. The Influence of L2 on L1 Collocational Knowledge and on L1 Lexical Diversity in Free Written Expression -- Chapter 3. 'I Feel Clumsy Speaking Russian': L2 Influence on L1 in Narratives of Russian L2 Users of English -- Chapter 4. The Intercultural Style Hypothesis: L1 and L2 Interaction in Requesting Behaviour -- Chapter 5. Probing the Effects of the L2 on the L1: A Case Study -- Chapter 6. English from a Distance: Codemixing and Blending in the L1 Output of Long-Term Resident Overseas EFL Teachers -- Chapter 7. Productivity and Lexical Diversity in Native and Non-Native Speech: A Study of Cross-cultural Effects -- Chapter 8. L2 Influence on L1 Linguistic Representations -- Chapter 9. Cross-linguistic Influence of L2 English on Middle Constructions in L1 French -- Chapter 10. Effects of the L2 on the Syntactic Processing of the L1 -- Chapter 11. Economy of Interpretation: Patterns of Pronoun Selection in Transitional Bilinguals -- Chapter 12. A Dynamic Approach to Language Attrition in Multilingual Systems -- Chapter 13. How to Demonstrate the Conceptual Effect of L2 on L1? Methods and Techniques -- Index